04 October 2013

Genesis and Divine Architecture

The Midrash Rabbah brings up an almost obvious idea from the beginning of the Parshah.

"The Torah says: "I was the tool of G-d's artistry." An architect who builds a palace (or any structure) does not do so on his own; he has scrolls and notebooks which he consults regarding how to place the rooms, where to set the doors. So it was with G-d: He looked into the Torah and created the world."

 And Thus...

In the beginning, G-d decides with all His great wisdom to create the universe... 

Please take note: The word 'Bereishis' does not only mean 'In the beginning'; it also means "In the head".

In the simplest translation of the Torah, G-d creates the world in six days.

The first day on the job He starts by contrasting and dividing the light and darkness, the Heavens and Earth. This is similar to a Figure-Ground drawing an Architect uses when deciding in the most simple two-dimensional layout, how they would like to set up the foundation for the site they're working on.
Although, using this method to fashion out a universe... That takes a G-d.

On the second day, He forms the Skies, dividing the “upper waters” from the “lower waters.” This already seems backwards. Shouldn't it be the other way around? That the Earth should be the pillars that support the heavens?
It would seem that way to the human mind. However, Masechet Chagigah explains that the Earth is actually situated on the foundations of Heaven. Which happens to be made from the waters that were split. The Hebrew word for heaven is "Shomayim". The word is a contraction of Shom and Mayim. Mayim is water and Shom usually means 'From' or 'There'.

On the third day, He does the landscaping of the Earth after moving the waters back (which had been covering the Earth like they would a Millennium later). He then plants the trees and flowers. An herbivorous food source available for everyone.

On the fourth day, He creates the solar system and stars to work as a natural light source AND a timepiece. Why would he suddenly decide on putting this in? The Gen. Rabbah answers that the light had been there since day one until day three, but today He finally got new light fixtures that were Obtuse Spheroids that would work on Earth. Until now the light that was used served during the day and the night. There needed to be a clear definition between the two periods.

Definition and Transition are essential aspects to be thought about for the convenience of human beings. Yes, G-d thought about you.

On the fifth day, fish, birds, mammals, insects, and reptiles are created. A carnivorous food source for animals and...

Adam: The Blueprint For All Mankind

G‑d ceases work on the seventh day, and sanctifies it as a day of rest. Thus completing the calendar week and all his work.

As was mentioned in the beginning, G-d opened the Torah, looked at what was available- the guidelines, materials and the functions of the world (that it needed)- and began to use His head to solve or figure out the forms for the world. From foundation to lighting to landscape and food sources, G-d then imprints in the head of Humans the necessary ways to utilize these things.

The Zohar says, "G-d looked into the Torah and created the world. Man looks into Torah and sustains the world."

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