So over the last 3 weeks, not that anyone noticed the absence... I have been ultra busy doing three times as much work as is required. Due to the holidays, it's been rather difficult to keep up with all the work. At the same time, its been hard to also keep up with the blog.
Right now sitting at my working station - which is actually just a dining room table - I'm wondering how I'm going to keep up with all of the work that I missed and now have the pleasure of doing for Thursday...
Technical drawings are not as easy as I thought they would be due to the amount of time that goes into making sure they are perfect.
Models built with wooden cubes take forever to make since the glue takes just as long as a turtle race in syrup, to dry.
At least I can sleep for the few minutes that I'm writing this. It's a relaxing activity that I don't mind.
Seriously! I hear so many complaints about people not wanting to write essays.
Seriously! That's got to be a joke!
Its not a thesis paper. Its a short essay on the effects of marijuana on hamsters.
They enjoy it and love you more. End of story.
I have to build, glue, write, erase, break, rebuild, color and clean all in under 8 hours!
Before you start to think I'm an angry old man, just take into consideration that I don't have time for friends anymore. There's the bus ride back and forth to the city... and that's all the time I have to socialize!
Never mind that the people on the bus keep shushing me.
But then I have all the sleep to catch up on.
Speaking of which, I believe my nap time is over.
Thanks for understanding, dear reader.