07 October 2014

Final Review - Project 1 - Central Park Gateway

Coming into class early Friday morning, I realized that I had fallen asleep at 3:30am and didn't exactly finish all of the required drawings... But nevertheless, I was determined to poche my section drawings and dazzle the crit with colors and words.
Thus, I took the two perspective images I exported from Revit, cut out the frames and taped the photographs of the site behind them.

Greben was our guest crit, I was 5th on the line up, and my presenting partner was also wearing a tie. He was red and I was blue. His suit versus my cotton vest... I'd call it a tie.
[Badum dum]

Before  my presentation began, the professors asked for my name, and then I reminded Greben about the previous' semesters bathroom fiasco that she attended and told her she had nothing to worry about this time.

She laughed.

Then the presentation began.

And then my floor plans... my hand drawings all betrayed me because they were rushed and were slightly curved. But I persisted and blew their minds with the non-photoshopped perspectives. Diamond was actually very happy with the result. Greben was still bothered by the drawings and said they should reflect the clarity that exists on the model and colored diagrams.

And that's my homework due in a few hours from now...

Thanks for reading, dear reader :)

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