04 April 2014


From the start of this project, I have been making a fuss about the one and only bathroom required in this project. ON purpose of course.

I've been setting myself up to be able to make bathroom jokes when ever I felt it necessary.

Yesterday, I pushed it too far. We were asked to make Pathway Diagrams- a kind of map of our project- and I had easily linked my bathroom to be the epicenter of my project.

When I had mentioned it in class, it got a laugh out of everyone. It was Thursday, notably, and everyone is normally abnormal that particular day of the week.
My professor then asked I try to avoid mentioning it. So I decided to use similar words.

"...And as you go through the entrance there's three pathways--"

"Did you just say bathrooms?" The professor interrupted.

 "No, no! PATHWAYS one can take. Going down the center brings you straight to the potty room where everyone gathers."

"Did you just 'potty' or 'party'?!"

The class laughed again. My professor was amused for a few minutes, and then...

"Alright, let's make a new rule. YOU cannot mention the bathroom unless someone explicitly asks you about it. No more bathroom talk."

And that, dear reader, is How I Was Banned From Talking About Bathrooms.


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