02 November 2013

Successfully Surviving Sleepless S'allnighters...

It doesn't take much to know that we hate going to bed, but once we're there we don't want to get out.

We're oxymoronic that way.

Recently, I had the privilege to stay up all night to complete my project for the final presentation on Monday morning. This sounded easier than it was doing. I spent Saturday night working on the negative/cast model so I would be able to start with the cement Sunday morning. But this didn't help the rest of my day. Things took an hour longer than expected, and other things just wouldn't take, thus needed to be force fed down the production pipe.

Eventually all things work out. The more time spent looking at the clock, the less time is spent doing what's important, and that's only the beginning.

Time is really the 4th Dimension of reality. I'm sure no one has thought about it much. The first dimension is just flat, the second dimension explores shapes. The third discovers the multiple sides at once of an object. And the fourth is the object through the mediums of space and time.

Getting back to how to survive the night... It requires focus and, if need be, coffee or any caffeinated liquid. One other thing you should be noting is naps. 30 minutes to an hour can be beneficial to helping the mind keep itself together so a human being doesn't become a zombie between 12 and 4 AM.

This was fairly close to happening to me. I was just falling apart at around 9 PM after spending 12 hours straight staring at my project, gluing piece after piece together. I'm still human, but I may have accidentally glued a part of my sanity to the foam... couldn't have been the first time.

Sleeping for 3 hours before getting up for the bus is a TERRIBLE idea! DO NOT DO THAT!

The effects of this amount of sleep are as such: Moody; Cranky; Irritable; Confused; Mumbled groans of pain; May attack victims if bothered.

In other words: This is the Zombie Effect.

To avoid this either: sleep for 2 hours; have a coffee; or sleep for 4 more hours and skip the presentation and get a failing grade.

If any of this was unclear, feel free to send me a message or post a comment.

Thanks for reading, dear reader.

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