20 May 2015

Final Presentation - Design II - The Fire Urn

Hey reader!

I've been busy, trying to get myself together for the summer. Got a lot to take care of like putting the portfolio together for the B.Arch application.
But I'm here to reminisce about the final presentation before I forget all about it.

The week of, the professor was really excited about my project and assured me that all I need to change were some drawings and little fixes for my 1/4" scale model. So I did. Most of Thursday I spent putting a quick animated walkthrough together for the powerpoint presentation. The powerpoint was supposed to be 5 minutes max, but at the rate I was giving it at home, it was taking 8-10 minutes to make it through.

So the morning of the final, I had went to sleep around one, packed a box and my garbage bag for the models, and had left my boards in my school locker on Wednesday. Everything was prepared, so I decided I would be once of the first three to present.

Up until the final moments before we officially began, I watched as guest critics walked by our projects and STOPPED BY MINE for long periods of time to examine my boards. It was flattering for the most part, but it made me nervous, 'What do they see that I missed?'
Of course the obvious piece missed was the little rendered figure of my professor hidden in my section render... When he saw that during the presentation, his face got all red and he started laughing. He looks to me and says, "Nooo! You didn't!" before pointing it out to the guest critics and saying I get and automatic A..

We had FOUR guests, I did not catch any of their names. Anyway, the first two presentations got picked apart because they were solely based on construction designs, while mine was a full concept.

As I sat down before the laptop to begin the powerpoint, I looked at the female guest, smiled widely and said HI! She smiled back and asked if I would begin. At this point, with all the practice I had put into the the previous day repeating my shpeil, I started rambling quickly about the context, the process, my concept, the design phases and the Louis Kahn inspirations.
They stopped me when I reached the concept image of a greek urn. They were curious because my project actually used the negative space to define the urn mostly.
Soon the 5 minutes were up, and everyone was together by my boards as the guests picked the idea apart.

I was eating up their critique, because I've learned to take note and try to understand what would make the project better. For some reason, during critiques, my face probably looks depressed as I'm learning from what they're saying so from Greta to Diamond the these new guest critics, they had to reassure me that what they were saying wasn't bad. Which I knew! But my face read otherwise.

To quote, "We aren't saying all these things because we don't like it. On the contrary, we like it very much and that's why we're saying all these things!" ~Female Critic

Each critic tried to take a turn because they had so much to say. One drew on the boards, others tried to illustrate with their hands. One related it to a prison.
The most important line was from the female critic, she said,
"We see that you have pulled all of these individual moments from your inspiration and put them all together, but which part of this project is YOU?"

The critique soon finished after that, and I was really happy with how it went. Like SUPER HAPPY! There were applause from the class, there had been some laughter in the middle. The professor had blushed. It was an amazing 10-15 minutes.

And I know I promised photos. I will put them up eventually... Probably after I finish the portfolio...

Thanks for reading, dear reader :)